Google Keywords – Feb 2007

I think I'm going to make a tradition of this google keywords list that I reinitiated last month. Anyways, here's the list for February 2007:

"google keywords" - waw, already on the first page for this
"i am a dumb ass" - me too
"blackout in europe" - that happened
"firefox 2 debian package" - you're looking for iceweasel
"mozilla firefox japanese symbols" - it's called characters, not symbols
"rebrand firefox as iceweasel" - not even done yet :(
"debian iceweasel replaces firefox" - surprised ?
"fucked up resizing partition" - welcome to the club
"hobbit debian" - I'm not a hobbit !
"how can i change firefox to iceweasel on kubuntu" - waw, I'm impressed
"web 2.0 vs. web 1.0" - not here
"bugzilla bts (hate or sucks)" - bts sucks less
"cmd to download firefox on ubuntu" - apt-get install ?
"i need firefox with debian" - not happening
"what is a esx flat file" - basically, a raw disk image
"linux ext3 noload option" - does not work as expected
"fact about a horse" - persistant...

2007-03-01 08:51:11+0900

p.d.o, website

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One Response to “Google Keywords – Feb 2007”

  1. BSBlog » Blog Archive » Google Search Queries Says:

    […] Google Search Queries Following in the tradition, here are some amusing search terms used to find this website in the past month: thunderbird is already running – good for it […]